Heroes both Victims: Fair Trial Needed


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It saddens me to see such hatred towards a man. Yes Chris Kyle is a hero but so was the person who killed him. Doesn’t anyone ever wonder what went through his mind and continues to go through his mind?

I cant say I know from experience but it seems to me that war does a number on certain people. All I can guess/say is that when not given the proper help and chance things could get worse for someone.

PTSD is a scary thing. Veterans who are diagnosed with it need love and support but above all they need profesional help. They need someone who understands what PTSD is about and how to work to help get through it.
(This is why I want to become an Art Therapist and work with military members and families)

sorry to the Kyle family for their loss and prayers for a fair trail to the Routh family.

Read the following article called

The Man Who Killed the ‘American Sniper’ Was a War Victim Too – Sniper Fans Want Him Dead

Hero Needs Fair Trial

American Sniper


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So everyone has been talking about this film!

I finally watched the film after arguing with myself for hours if I was ready to hear the story of this amazing hero. After watching it, I must say I was taken away. The way the movie was made and the way he was portrayed made me realize why I take the time to show appreciation to our heroes and their service.

I have to say that though I did not know of Chris Kyle for a while I did learn a few things before and after watching the movie. I can honestly say he was a hero. Not only did he serve our country by doing 4 tours,he helped his fellow brothers in arms, and he also wrote a book. He has done a lot for the people in this country and has left his mark and that is something I hope to achieve one day. I’m sad to say that the way he died was horrible it makes me question whether his method of helping was actually healthy.

It seemed that Chris wanted to do a lot by serving and then helping his brothers but did he ever think that what he felt was way different from what others felt after serving. I mean I applaud him for everything he did but question his knowledge on trauma, PTSD, and other mental stuff that happens to soldiers. From what the movie portrayed Chris was about doing more to keep our country safe but he seemed to excel when he had a weapon in hand and not much when it came to talking. I don’t want to hate on him in any way but taking soldiers shooting didn’t seem so safe. I would have started with other activities that would allow bonding.

Hopefully Chris Kyle’s family knows that he was a Hero and that he kicked ass.

May he rest in peace.

Physical Education…


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I thought I was done with Phys Ed when I was in high school but apparently it’s still a prereq in community college. I’ve decided to take beginning weight training. I’ve been trying to find a reason to keep me motivated even though it’s only been the first week of the class for this 5 week term. I’ve gone and told myself I need to do it because it’s obvious that I need to lose weight but that just made me hate myself. I told myself it was to get healthier but then it made me think why; I’m always told I’m healthy for a big person, whatever that means. Then I told myself I have to prove to myself that my inner hatred and determination for past goals need to be my drive and it hit me, that’s what I needed.

I want to push myself and make sure that even though I’ve failed a few goals I can look back and say I tried my hardest to make them possible. I will be taking this course serious and hoping that I get good results. I want to be able to feel a difference and eventually see one too. I just hope that I can keep feeding my determination and complete the class.

Fitness center

Research and Appreciation


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So I’m currently a student at Los Angeles Valley College and have class in the Behavioral Science building. Everyday I walk down the hall and see them covered with these postings. One day I actually took the time to check them out and was surprised by what I saw. They were names of fallen soldiers from the war . I know that it might not be all of them but it is quite saddening to see the many recorded here. It made me cry to see so many young men on these list. I wish their families peace and send them good vibes. These were the ones who risked it all for us and they are the ones we need to appreciate the most. Lost but NEVER Forgotten.

This Past Veteran’s Day


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I’m a very emotional person and this past Veteran’s day I was even more emotional than usual. I had come to the realization that no matter how much I tell myself they are heroes, some of my friends will never be able to live their lives to celebrate their heroism. I have to admit that I dont know what it is that they did while overseas and part of me would like to keep it that way just so I never have to know what hardships they experienced. I would not want to ruin the image I have of them. I can’t even come close to imagine the pain their families and partners go through knowing that they will never get hugs, calls, emails, children, or grandchildren from their loved ones. It’s so hard to think that people I went to school with will not make it to their reunions and impress their class with stories of their heroism, their training, and their travels.

I just feel like we never get to move on from a loss especially one like the one of a deployed soldier. It’s something so unexpected and so distant. I mean I would do anything so that no family had to go through such pain but I’m only one person. I mean if it were up to me we would not be overseas but again I dont know politics and i dont know what it is we are trying to accomplish now. I just know that we have lost so many lives over things that didn’t give us much in return for the precious lives lost. Who knows what would have become of all those who have passed. Guess we should be happy we have others still among us and we should appreciate their presence more and cherish every moment we can with them.

Make sure that the few brave that come home have support, love, attention, and care. Make sure to let them know that they are not alone and that if there is anything they need there is a way to help. There are medical things that can be done, there is love that can be given to them, and time and patience. One never really knows what a small action can do for someone in much need. It could be the difference between life and death for some since there is a great percentage of soldiers who commit suicide. Let’s try to make a difference here and support those we get home.

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.”
Joseph Campbell, American scholar and authorThey will be missed, thank you

Big Hero 6- Baymax!


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So I watched this adorable film and it made me think if only Baymax was real. The possibilities that would come from such thing. Yes I know it’s an animated film but could you imagine if we had healthcare companions like Baymax?! I mean I think we could help a lot with those who can’t afford medical help and imagine our soldiers. wow.

Feel like such a child but I mean when I say this would be a good idea to invest in..Making people feel better and getting them the assistance that is needed is what we need right now.

Equality for Everyone, Love is Love


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Love is Love. Nobody has the right to keep anyone away from their loved one. I believe that everyone should be allowed to marry their significant other no matter their gender. You should be able to be able to be united in matrimony with whomever their heart desires. We should be accepting of the fact that people are different but yet the same. We all breathe, eat, sleep, and poop and the only difference is that we may not all do it in the same way.

I will come out and say that I identify as bisexual. I like both men and women equally. For me it’s all about the personality of the person. Nothing should keep you away from being who you are and away from the one you love. It may be difficult and you might have the need to hide a part of yourself from the world but never be ashamed of who you are. Be true to who you are and good/positive things will come your way.

I find it hard to believe that there is so much hate out there. Sometimes it makes me fear the world I live in. I mean I would never want my future children to be afraid of being themselves because of the way our society works. I want there to be peace and equality for all when it comes to love. I am a huge supporter on the topic when it comes to our service men and women because they do so much for us.

They do so much for this country it’s hard to believe that they dont get the respect they deserve and the rights they deserve because they are part of the queer community. They should be able to serve their country and get the right to have their love be respected and supported like anyone else. A same sex couple deserve the benefits and titles any other couple gets when they get married. Their sexuality should not be a reason for getting less benefits, less chances, or less rights.

Why is it so hard to accept that they kick ass and like someone of the same gender?
